Sergei Rachmaninoff

Rachmaninoff-150: Matsuev, Spivakov

Рахманинов-150: Мацуев, Спиваков

In the opening concert of the cycle dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff with the goal of performing all of his piano concertos, the First and Second Concertos are performed by Denis Matsuev on the stage of the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. The famous Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini is also be performed, which is completely unlike other rhapsodies in the free form typical of this genre: Rachmaninoff was inspired by Paganini's 24th Caprice for Solo Violin and composed 24 variations on its theme.

The virtuoso pianist, who is also the artistic director of the S. V. Rachmaninoff Foundation, performs accompanied by the Russian National Youth Symphony Orchestra under the direction of maestro Vladimir Spivakov.




1 hour 36 minutes




3 April / Thursday


Rachmaninoff-150: Matsuev, Spivakov

Language: Russian, no subtitles


Moskovskoe shosse, 17
500 ₽

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